EPI was awarded as one of the 20 Most Promising Data Center Solution Providers 2016 by CIOReview for the second year in a row.”
The data centre market is growing, and its growth is attributed to the deployment of Cloud, Internet of Things and Big Data which bring a lot of new technological, organizational and operational challenges to organizations at an unimaginable pace. A lot of companies face tough challenges dealing with it all. While, EPI (Enterprise Products Integration Pte Ltd), headquartered in Singapore brings logic and order to a chaotic world by offering an extensive range of first class data centre infrastructure services. EPI was originally incorporated in 1987 in the UK, after which it was incorporated in Singapore in 1999 as a data centre design and build company. A new legal entity was incorporated in 2001 to focus on data centre training, audit and certification.
Audit Certification
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Data Centre Training
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Data Centre Career Planning Tool (DCPT)
IT Career Planning Tool (ITCPT)