TIA-942 Design Certification (DCDV) indicates that the design documents of the data center under scope have been reviewed for conformity to the design criteria of the TIA-942 standard for the respective Rating level.
The TIA-942 Design Certification is valid for one year, extendable if a site is not operational yet.
EPI is the world's first and so far the only TIA-942 CAB authorised under the official TIA-942 Accreditation Scheme from TIA to provide data center conformity audit services to the TIA-942 standard. EPI is also incorporated as a CB (Certification Body).
Besides the design certification, we also provide:
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About TIA-942
TIA-942 is the telecommunication infrastructure standard for data centers. This standard however not only cover the telecommunication part but also other important factors which lead to a robust data center. The data center will be reviewed for compliance in four categories:
For each of the categories, the data center will be categorized in four rating levels (Rated 1-4), as well as an overall rating level.
Rating Level**
TIA-942 describes four rating levels in which data centers can be classified. Below are the high-level descriptions of each rating level. Detailed specifications are given in the TIA-942 standard.
Note**; The outcome of the Rating levels defined by TIA are similar to the outcome of the Uptime Tier levels i.e. both Rated-3 of TIA and Tier-III of Uptime are both defined as being a Concurrent Maintainable data center.
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