EPI at Two Data Centre World Shows - Asia and Europe

Singapore & Europe (22 Oct 2014) – EPI will be present at two international Data Centre shows this October - Data Center World in Singapore and Germany.  We have stands at both events and our Chairman and CEO, Edward van Leent, will be speaking at Data Centre World Asia Conference.



We will be sharing with the public our full range of global Data Centre training and certification programs.  Come over to our stands and have a chat with our people.  And don’t forget to drop your namecards for the lucky draw!






Presentation Title


Synopsis   When & Where

UTI, BICSI-002, SS507, ANSI/TIA-942, NPR-5313, EN50600 etc.  Are you also confused what to choose to benchmark you data centre against?

Besides having a resilient infrastructure, you will also need to ensure that staff is educated on a continuous basis.  With many training providers in the market, how do you choose the right one and how can you ensure that your staff is benchmarked appropriately for their knowledge and skills.

This presentation will help you to understand the available guidelines and standards in the global market and help you to differentiate between a real standard and pseudo standard. It will also provide guidelines for selecting the right training provider and training programs to ensure that staff is well trained and benchmarked for their skills and knowledge, and understand the value of accreditation and certification.


11:00 – 11:25 AM
Thursday 30th Oct 2014

Data Centre Architecture, Operations and Facilities Theatre

Data Centre World Asia

Suntec Exhibition and Convention Centre,

The Speaker

Name: Edward van Leent

Job Title: Chairman and CEO, EPI - Enterprise Products Integration Pte Ltd

Edward has over 25 years of experience in the global high-tech, high-availability and mission-critical data centre industry. He is the key-driver behind the success of EPI. Edward defined and executed the strategies which grew EPI from a small UK-origin company to become a global organization operating in over 50 countries via direct operations and a large partner network, offering Data Centre training, certification, audit and consulting services. Edward is an active member of a number of data centre professional groups including AFCOM, FEA, ASHRAE, Green Data Centre Alliance, Data Centre Professionals, Data Centre Architects, Data Centre Facilities Management Group. He is a canvassing and voting member for BICSI-002 and sits on the TR42 committee (ANSI/TIA-942 standard). He is also the Vice-Chairman of the workgroup for Singapore Standard for BC/DC-SS507. He is a well sought after speaker on a variety of topics on mission critical data centres and related subjects.






EPI Data Center Framework

EPI Data Centre Operations Standard (DCOS)

EPI Data Centre Conpetence Framework

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