EPI CTDC (Certified TIA-942 Design Consultant) Training & Certification Approved for Singapore Government CITREP+ Funding

Singapore (17 Feb 2020) – Data centre design professionals in Singapore can now get funding for their professional certifications on the TIA-942 standard.  The CDTC (Certified TIA-942 Design Consultant) is a globally recognised and accredited training and certification. It equips data centre designers, consultants and auditors, with the knowledge to ensure a data centre is designed and built to the standard’s specifications. 

According to Edward van Leent, “This is a great boost to the Singapore data centre industry, enabling more Singaporeans to gain world-class data centre knowledge that will support the nation’s focus to strengthen its position as an data economy hub and attract MNCs and enterprises to set up their headquarters and premium data centre operations here.”

TIA-942 is the most popular data centre standard globally because it meets all the criteria for a standard that protects the interests of all stakeholders, both the data centre operators/owners and customers.  The TIA-942 standard covers the complete scope for a fully managed mission critical data centre, no matter whether it is an Enterprise or a Commercial Data Centre. TIA-942 is a true standard issued by an SDO - Standard Development Organisation and the scope is publicly available making the requirements transparent. TIA-942 is the only true data centre standard in in the world with an official accreditation scheme.

The CITREP+ (Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme Plus) is a programme under IMDA's TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) initiative to support the ICT workforce in keeping pace with technology shifts, through the continuous and proactive training of technical skills sets, in order to remain relevant and productive.

For more information about the CTDC, visit www.epi-ap.com/ctdc or email sales@epi-ap.com.  


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