Capability Assessment

The organization should conduct a service delivery gap analysis. This process should analyse whether the organization has the ability to deliver the services identified during the needs analysis phase. At a minimum, the following capabilities and/or capacity requirements should be reviewed:

1) Physical infrastructure/Configuration Management Database (CMDB) (e.g. power, cooling, space, network).
2) Human capital (e.g. skills, knowledge, experience and capacity).
3) Business continuity management/disaster recovery.
4) Security (Operational Technology/Physical).
5) Safety.
6) Support.
7) Monitoring/reporting.
8) Commercial.
9) Legal.

Any identified gaps should be addressed before the organization commits to the delivery of the service and making it available as part of the service portfolio document.

The organization should evaluate and document, how it will resolve the gaps it has identified. This could be achieved by either internal improvements and/or acquiring/outsourcing the required capability and/or capacity.

The organization is responsible to ensure, and should provide evidence where requested, that it has the capability, either internally or through external agreements, to meet any service commitments offered to its customers in the service catalogue.